Friday Night Lights did not disappoint .  Talk about Hornet Pride .  It was there and everyone felt it.  Coach Elwood won big at his first of the season home game.  The band, cheerleaders, sting line, trainers, twirlers and were excited to show off just how their hard work has paid off in preparation for the 2024 football season.  It takes everyone to bring the Hornet Spirit to Hornet stadium.  

Coach Elwood and his team are ready to take on any team around with a BIG win.  Superintendent Steinbruck was on the sideline doing what?  Letting everyone know he was there to lend his support from the sidelines.  It was hard but he did it and all the coaches showed love and respect for this transition.  

Mexico City lost graciously .  No one likes to lose but our Hornets made them feel welcome playing us and that is what true sportsmanship is all about.

The next home game is this Friday-9.6.2024 against San Antonio Marshall

Get your tickets online and let’s cheer our boys on to another great victory.



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