Author: Flour Bluff News

2024 has come and gone.  It has been a year of significant events and changes across the area.  A successful business association is built on a foundation of shared goals, strong leadership, and effective collaboration.  1.  Clear vision and Purpose, 2. Strong Leadership, 3. Member Engagement, 4.  Effective Communication, 5.  Advocacy and Representation, 6.  FBBA understands when these elements come together, a business association becomes a thriving community that empowers its members and drives success. Our business community tells us 2024 was a good year but hopes 2025 is a GREAT year.  The Flour Bluff community has seen new businesses…

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Today was not a pleasant day for the City of Corpus Christi water department and residents in 7 counties.  The lake level dropped below 20% and according to Chief Operating Officer for Corpus Christi Water (CCW), Drew Molly, rain is not expected until Spring 2025 reported by the Nation Weather Service.  Many meetings have been happening with refinery partners and other county officials to help  find ways to combat the water issue.  WE must all do our part to make our water supply last for all time. One great comment came from Mr. Molly when he declared WE DON’T CONTROL…

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December 9th was a great day for Flour Bluff and the surrounding area.  Dignitaries and residents gathered to see the new plans for Parker Pool and the work that has begun to reshape the appearance and functions of the pool.  When the city wanted to fill the pool residents said “not on our watch”. The pool is a local treasure and it is getting the TLC needed for years.  This is a safe area for kids in the summer and they love coming and spending the day swimming and hanging out with their friends and parents know that the pool…

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The Flour Bluff/Padre Island Coastal Cotillion hosted the mother/daughter event on December 8th, 2024, at the home of Mrs. April Featherby and Miss Alaina May Featherby..  The Christmas Ornament Social allowed the debutantes to share their favorite baked Christmas cookies and unique ornament each girl brought to exchange.  Ms. Susan Lawson read the traditional poem as the young ladies traded ornaments.  Flo East asked each debutante to share a favorite family holiday tradition as they opened their individual ornaments and discussed the cookies they baked. After the ornament exchange was the distribution of inviatations for the Presentation Ball and Mrs.…

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Please join District 4 County Commissioner and the Coastal Bend Friends of Aquatics for a ribbon cutting on Monday, December 9th at 10 am.  After years of working to keep the pool open District 4 County Commissioner Brent Chesney decided to make Parker Pool a county pool. He told the Flour Bluff Business Association for years he needed a project in Flour Bluff and now he has one.  Best decision he ever made.  The pool use numbers continue to grow every season for public swim and swim lessons.  The renovation will be around $560,000.00 and when done the pool, bathrooms,…

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Meet the 3 amigos.   They show up every year and hang out doing what cranes do.  They are beautiful, smart and very glad to be in the warm temperatures. In the fall  they arrive mid-September and leave mid November.  Everyone loves watching these beautiful large birds.  They are intelligent, territorial, and long-lived omnivores that are highly philopatric.

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Community members got to visit with the City of Corpus Christi Communications department about all the reasons residents should learn to use 311 APP  for city issues.  Open the app and find the department to report issues like, streets, solid waste , code enforcement , etc! upload a photo if needed and be sure you report the address and within 7 days the city should respond with feed back on your report.   The new City of Corpus Christi website is going to be super easy to navigate.  It is very different from now and will launch in a few months.  …

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The Coastal Cotillion Fall Luncheon 2024 The Flour Bluff / Padre Island Coastal Cotillion hosted the debutantes and guests at its Fall Luncheon on November 16, 2024, at the Emerald Beach D0wntown.  The luncheon included a salad bar with fruit .  The luncheon was held in the main meeting room of the conference area. The guest speaker was President and CEO of Rally Credit Union Mrs. Dana Sisk. Rally Credit Union is the  5th largest credit union the Texas.  She highlighted the importance of an education, hard work, maintaining old friends, and her religious faith that guided her life.  She…

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The Flour Bluff Business Association hosted Flour Bluff ISD Superintendent Mr. Chris Steinbruck, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Tomas Molina and Operations Officer Mrs. Zach Graf at the November 13th meeting. The topic of conversation was all about the special programs being offered at FBISD and what it will take to achieve the district goals for the future.  Facilities were a major topic since they have major needs due to the age of the buildings. Needs seem to be district wide but the focus has to be what is most important. Time will tell what the community thinks the best way…

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November 5th was a day to remember. Everyone is still talking about the who, what, when , where and how?  It truly came down to the border, economy and good old fashioned American values.   It is very scary to hear people talking about 2028 and Trump hasn’t even taken office.  The most fun was meeting everyone that came to vote and listening to first time voters being excited about their first time to vote.  They come out of the polls and five a big thumbs up with a great big smile.  All voters truly understood the importance of voting.…

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